what is crack cocaine
what is crack cocaine

crack cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure beyond the bounds of normal human experience. Crack Cocaine Information facts and Crack Cocaine Addiction Recovery Resources. If you or somebody you love is addicted to Crack Cocaine we can help. Cocaine is distributed on the street in two main forms cocaine hydrochloride is a white crystalline powder and “crack†is cocaine hydrochloride that has been  Although crack cocaine has been linked with crime to a greater extent than cocaine hydrochloride, many of these crimes are associated with the addiction to cocaine. quantity of drugs between 28 and 112 grams of crack cocaine. Crack cocaine trafficking sentences were increased for Connolly J, Foran S, Donovan A, Carew A and Long J (2008) Crack cocaine in the Dublin region an evidence base for a Dublin crack cocaine strategy. crack cocaine ‎(uncountable) A mixture of baking soda and cocaine in solid form that is smoked in a pipe as a narcotic. A mixture of salt substitute, ether,